venerdì 16 maggio 2008

Microsoft : Innovazione come processo formale

Riprendo con piacere una notizia riguardante l'intervento di un executive di Microsoft che esprime chiaramente la necessità delle aziende di rendere "riconoscibile" e formale il processo dell'innovazione.
Mi sembra stimolante la frase " molta gente oggi non sa dove si trova l'innovazione
all'interno dell'organizzazione aziendale, o come si faccia per parteciparvi"
Vi riporto alcuni passi significativi.

The secret to innovation lies in making it a structured business practice, like accounting or human resources, a Microsoft Corp. executive said Thursday in Kansas City.

"Today, most people don't know where (innovation) fits in the organization or how to participate in it," said Joe Boggio, director of innovation management solutions for Microsoft . He spoke at the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Innovation Conference on Thursday.
Continua ....
Emerging practices, such as adding a chief innovation officer, help turn innovation into a formal process, Boggio said. He explained the progression from informal innovation practices to more formal practices that involve one division, the entire company and then collaboration beyond the company.

"You make the idea funnel infinitely wide," Boggio said.

In doing so, companies with few resources have had tremendous success, he said.

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Innovazione =Idea+Conoscenza